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  • Writer's pictureTerrel Lewis

There's more to your career than just a pay cheque

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

PS: I'm writing this article from a position of privilege. The privilege is that I have no one dependent on my income other than me. And therefore this article is addressed to people with the same privilege.

Exorbitant salaries, never-ending perks, team outings to fancy resorts, the list never seems to end. Big companies are always willing to go the extra mile when it comes to attracting top talent from around the world. Not to forget, these offers are made to fresh college graduates. While those from financially weak backgrounds could definitely benefit from such perks, the majority of us don't really need such luxuries especially at this stage of our careers. Such offers are purely an act of enticement. It is indeed very difficult to say no to a big fat pay cheque and the companies very well know how to capitalize on that vulnerability. As a result, we are spoilt. We get comfortable in these cozy cocoons woven for us and we settle down. Stepping out of this cocoon becomes very difficult. I specifically talk about fresh graduates because it is at this stage that we are most driven. We step out of college wanting to make an impact, to disrupt, to innovate. Some might argue that desires are bred out of naivety but even if that's the case, I feel it is something that must be harnessed and not nipped at the bud. We should be encouraged to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, seek purpose instead of security.

Pay package cannot be the sole criteria when selecting a job. The notion that the higher the pay package, the better the job is a misleading one that only offers bragging rights in the short term. Graduates should be trained to look beyond that one metric. We must learn to estimate the scope of impact our work will have both within and outside the organization we choose to work for. Will I be able to surround myself with some of the smartest people? Will I be able to learn something new every day at work. These are some of the questions we must seek answers to when looking for a job.

I really hope we think more actively about the career choices we make.


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