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Terrel Lewis


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Hello World!

Let's bring your idea to life.

I'm passionate about building consumer products from scratch. Having worked at startups for over 7 years, I've had the opportunity to don multiple hats. My main area of expertise lies in full-stack mobile app development on Android. I also have experience in rapid prototyping and testing, data analysis using Python scripts and the good ol' Excel, and website development using no-code tools. 

I love tinkering with new technologies and currently, I can't get enough of exploring new use cases using LLMs.


Do you have an exciting idea in mind for a product but are not sure how to get started? I would love to help build your MVP!

My side projects


A tool to help craft your dating bios using ChatGPT. Over 1500 bios generated so far.

Weave Threads GPT

Gain insights and knowledge from Twitter Threads of your favourite thought leaders.

Ask The Sexpert

A fine-tuned GPT-3 model trained to respond in the style of Dr. Mahinder Watsa.

My experiments in threads

What I've been reading

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